The Comic Book Artist's Dream

A Dream Shared by Tim Paschall
Interview questions by Chip Hiden

Why are you interested in comics?
I've always liked super-heroes;larger than life characters. That's probably the start of it. But, it's really much bigger than that. I've always been interested in art. When I was little, I used to collect different brands of crayons just to be sure that I had every variance of green (or blue). I used to take crayons and coloring books with me everywhere. "

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The Chipapalooza Dream

When I was 16 I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. The diagnosis wasn't entirely unexpected since the majority of my family has diabetes too. However, I was really depressed about it at first. When I was graduating high school, my friends Chris Trenner, Patrick Gibson and I decided to throw a charity concert to raise money for diabetes research. We decided to make it our graduation party and call it Chipapalooza. "

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Just Jackets

Barbara Hiden shares her dream to start a clothing store called Just Jackets that sells cheap jackets to expand a working woman's wardrobe.

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